Kалендарь культуры Прага
Календарь культурных событий в Праге - вставьте даты от-до :
Концерты, опера, балет Прага
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Календарь культурных событий в Праге - вставьте даты от-до :
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I would just like to comment on the fantastic service that i have received. I have many friends who have visited Prague previously, including myself, and i have been spreading the gospel to say what a wonderful city it is.
Ian Scott
Thank you so much for organizing the tickets and delivering them to the hotel. everything worked out just perfectly and it was very convenient. I'll recommend DC services to my parents
Lea Schamell
All things were wonderfull: the fantastic city, the performance of the image-theater, your service, the hotel...
With best regards. Uwe Gruener
DC SERVICE, s.r.o.
Tel: +420 224 816 346