Citta Vecchia
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Citta Nuova
3 items
2 items
3 items
Wir haben letztes Wochenende im Praquehotel verbracht. Es hat alles wunderbar funktioniert. Das Hotel und La Traviata waren Erste Klasse und Prag ist phantastisch.
Vielen Dank für die gute Organisation - viele Grüße - Petra Wicher
We have just returned from our holiday in Prague Any further bookings we make will be done with yourselves and I have given your information to my friends so that they will be able to use your company with confidence. many thanks again
Judith Plows
Thank you very much, your help have been amazing and I really appreciate it.
Your visitprague.cz service is 100% worth recommendation. Sorry for the overall trouble, I am sure we will have a great stay in Prague.
Kamil Modzelewski
DC SERVICE, s.r.o.
Tel: +420 224 816 346